Results for 'Alfredo Carlo Altamura'

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  1.  16
    A recepção da Política de Aristóteles na Nova Espanha: Alonso de la Vera Cruz e o seu Speculum Coniugiorum.Alfredo Carlos Storck - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e35291.
    Este artigo está dividido em duas partes. Começo por oferecer algumas informações de fundo sobre as discussões e os debates que tiveram lugar na Europa no final da Idade Média e no início dos tempos modernos e que envolveram autoridades políticas e eclesiásticas. Não pretendo ser exaustivo nesta apresentação. Procuro apenas sugerir o contexto mais amplo das disputas entre o poder dos monarcas europeus e o da Igreja Católica durante os séculos XV, XVI e o início do século XVII. Na (...)
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    O indivíduo E a ordem política na dimensão da civitas.Alfredo Carlos Storck - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):539-544.
    Este artigo tratará da natureza da associação política tal como concebida por Tomás de Aquino. Duas características serão analisadas: primeiramente a noção de cooperação social e sua necessária relação com a figura da autoridade em segundo lugar, os limites da autoridade e a noção de um fim último do homem.
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    Natureza E Direito Nas Institutas De Gaio.Alfredo Carlos Storck - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (1):9.
    Em uma famosa passagem de suas Institutas, o jurista romano Gaio dividiu o direito privado em duas partes: o direito civil e o direito dos povos. O primeiro é o direito criado pelo povo romano enquanto o segundo é o direito seguido por todas as nações. A despeito de sua origem clássica, os especialistas discordam acerca do modo de interpretar essa tese. No início do século XX, historiadores como Michel Villey viram na distinção sinais da influência da filosofia grega entre (...)
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  4. El poder: su estudio analítico y proyección ideal.Bray Maurice & Carlos Alfredo - 2005 - [Asunción, Paraguay: [S.N.].
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    Introducción al estudio de la filosofía y de las ciencias sociales.Carlos Alfredo Vogel - 1951 - Buenos Aires,: Macchi Hnos..
  6.  17
    La intersubjetividad a la luz de la apertura íntima personal.Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano & Juan Carlos Aguilera - 2011 - Studia Poliana 13:31-49.
    In this article we are going to approach the question of the intersubjectivity. To understand why the intersubjectivity is a modern problem and which is the solution that it fits, we have chosen to follow a descending route that gives light and should illuminate what today, in many areas, is seen as a problem. We will begin, consequently, approaching the person as not identical but dual. The above mentioned cosideration takes us from the hand to the distinction between someone and (...)
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  7. El magisterio de santo Tomás de Aquino en el Areópago: la actualidad del "De ente et essentia".Carlos Alfredo Taubenschlag - 2008 - Sapientia 63 (223):177-192.
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    Blade Runner depois dele mesmo: ambiguidade e fotogenia no pós-humano.Eduardo Portanova Barros & Carlos Alfredo Gadea - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 19 (1).
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    Neuropsychology, social cognition and global functioning among bipolar, schizophrenic patients and healthy controls: preliminary data.Elisabetta Caletti, Riccardo A. Paoli, Alessio Fiorentini, Michela Cigliobianco, Elisa Zugno, Marta Serati, Giulia Orsenigo, Paolo Grillo, Stefano Zago, Alice Caldiroli, Cecilia Prunas, Francesca Giusti, Dario Consonni & A. Carlo Altamura - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  10.  18
    La alteridad y la interculturalidad desde la perspectiva de la espiritualidad franciscana.María Eugenia Córdoba, Armando José Quijano Vodniza, León Darío Gaviria Rojas & Carlos Alfredo Muñoz - 2022 - Perseitas 11:285-316.
    La alteridad y la interculturalidad son realidades inherentes a la existencia misma de la humanidad; sin embargo, como conceptos, han adquirido especial relevancia en los últimos cuarenta años debido a las complejas realidades socioculturales. No obstante, personajes de otras épocas, como Francisco de Asís, lo habían experimentado y referenciado en su vivencia; por ello, cobra importancia reflexionar en torno a estos conceptos actuales en la vida de un santo que ha sido el emblema del ser humano diverso a partir de (...)
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  11. Carlos Astrada.Alfredo Llanos - 1962 - [Buenos Aires]: Ediciones Culturales Argentinas, Ministerio de Educación y Justicia, Dirección General de Cultura.
  12. Jus, con pref. del prof. Eugenio di Carlo.Alfredo Riccioni - 1939 - Roma.: Athenaeum.
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  13.  25
    Loop: there’s no going back: A Graphic Novel by Adolescent Cancer Patients on the Youth Project in Milan.Andrea Ferrari, Laura Veneroni, Stefano Signoroni, Matteo Silva, Paola Gaggiotti, Michela Casanova, Stefano Chiaravalli, Carlo Alfredo Clerici, Tullio Proserpio & Maura Massimino - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (4):505-511.
    The present paper describes the story of the development of a graphic novel—a story about superheroes—written by adolescent cancer patients on the Youth Project at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan. Nineteen patients from fifteen to twenty-five years old participated in a four month creative writing laboratory managed by a professional teacher. The output from the writing laboratory was a written text that was used as the script for a graphic novel drawn by professional cartoonists and working together with the (...)
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    STORCK, ALFREDO CARLOS (ED.) In Aristotelis Analytica Posteriora. Estudos acerca da recepção medieval dos Segundos Analíticos, Linus Editores, Porto Alegre, 2009, 298 pp. [REVIEW]José Miguel Gambra - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico:419-422.
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    El humanismo en la obra de Alfredo Llanos: con escritos inéditos.Juan Carlos Nicolau - 2006 - Buenos Aires: Leviatán.
  16.  4
    Actas.Alfredo Sergio Burgos (ed.) - 1994 - Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.
    Contiene una sección especial sobre Filosofía Latinoamericana, donde hay ponencias de los siguientes autores: Carlos Alemián, Abelardo Barra Ruatta, Alberto Buela y Oscar Wingartz Plata. Además, sobre Arturo A. Roig (dos artículos, uno de Estela Fernández y otro de Marisa Muñoz, Dante Ramaglia y Oscar Zalazar); sobre ensayo y fenomenología en América Latina (Clara Alicia Jalif de Bertranou); sobre Agustín Alvarez (Dante Ramaglia); y sobre Simón Rodríguez (Oscar Salazar). De otras secciones destacamos una ponencia de Arturo A. Roig sobre la (...)
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  17.  10
    Alfredo Veiga-Neto y los estudios foucaultianos en educación.Noguera Ramírez & Carlos Ernesto - 2018 - [Bogotá?]: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
  18.  36
    Prova e Giustificazione.Alfredo Di Giorgio & Daniele Chiffi (eds.) - 2013 - G. Giappichelli Editore.
    I saggi che compongono questo libro intendono presentare in maniera organica e interdisciplinare, anche se da una prospettiva fondazionale logico-filosofica, il ruolo che il concetto di prova svolge in differenti ambiti del sapere. L’elemento innovativo e caratterizzante del volume è quello di stabilire e formulare quali sono le condizioni di adeguatezza materiale e formale per una corretta esplicazione del concetto di prova nelle sue differenti applicazioni. Si cercherà, inoltre, di cogliere cosa ha qualificato storicamente e qualifica tuttora il concetto di (...)
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    Gómez Müller, Alfredo. Nihilismo y capitalismo. Bogotá: Ediciones Desde Abajo, 2016.170 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Andrés Ulloa-Rivero - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):379-383.
    RESUMEN El artículo responde algunas críticas planteadas por Ignacio Ávila a mi interpretación de la epistemología davidsoniana. Presento argumentos en contra de: a) que sea necesario distinguir entre representaciones epistemológicamente “peligrosas”e “inofensivas”; b) que el empirismo mínimo sea un tipo de realismo directo; c) que mi uso de la expresión “evidencia distal” y el interés por la teoría de la correspondencia sean asuntos ajenos a Davidson. Finalmente, sostengo que la triangulación es un elemento fundamental de la epistemología davidsoniana, pues permite (...)
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  20. Justicia cultural y justicia social: Mariátegui y el «problema indígena».Alfredo Gómez-Müller - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 14:93-105.
    La pregunta contemporánea por la articulación entre la exigencia de justicia social y la exigencia de justicia cultural no es una cuestión totalmente nueva: se manifiesta, desde el siglo XIX, por lo menos en el compromiso social y político de algunas figuras «marginales» que intentaron pensar la exigencia de justicia social en una perspectiva socialista. De manera más o menos intuitiva, más o menos reflexiva, estos precursores, que se puede encontrar tanto en la tradición del socialismo libertario como en la (...)
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  21.  30
    FRASCHINI, Alfredo , BLANCH, Carlos Andrés y CORNAVACA, Ramón Gregorio de Nisa. Sermones. Discurso sobre los difuntos/Juan Escoto Eriúgena. Homilía sobre el Prólogo del Santo Evangelio de Juan Colección Estudios Sociales y Humanidades, EdiUNS Bahía Blanca, 2016, 214 págs. ISBN 978-987-655-092-5. [REVIEW]Paola Druille - 2016 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 20 (2):169-173.
    El De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis de Genadio de Marsella se encuentra próximo a la tradición de los símbolos, compilaciones doctrinarias de consulta ágil, por su estructura interna y contenidos. El examen del tratado genadiano contribuye a delimitar su contexto de composición, así como las preferencias dogmáticas de su autor. The De dogmatibus ecclesiasticis of Gennadius of Massilia is close to the tradition of symbols, easy to read doctrinal compilations, because of its structure and contents. The exam of Gennadius’ book contributes to (...)
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    MARCOS, ALFREDO; ALONSO, CARLOS J., Un paseo por la ética actual, Digital Reasons, Madrid, 2020, 224 pp. [REVIEW]M. -Soledad Paladino - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico 54 (2):387-390.
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    “Entre Verlaine y el buey de este trapiche”: poesía de Alfredo Sancho.Laura Fuentes Belgrave - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (33):181-187.
    La sección de literatura de la edición n.° 33 presenta poesía de la obra muy poco divulgada y estudiada de Alfredo Sancho, poeta y dramaturgo costarricense, quien nació el 16 de abril de 1924 y falleció en México en 1990. Según el académico y poeta Carlos Rafael Duverrán, Sancho perteneció a la primera generación vanguardista, o generación perdida (1917-1927) de la literatura en Costa Rica, país donde fundó el Teatro Universitario (1951), el Experimental de Costa Rica (1953), el Teatro (...)
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  24. Attention and Performance 15: Conscious and Nonconscious Information Processing.Carlo Umilta & Morris Moscovitch - 1994 - MIT Press.
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    The old fisherman's mistake.Carlo Rovelli - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (5):623-631.
    A number of thorny issues, such as the nature of time, free will, the clash of the manifest image and the scientific image, the possibility of a naturalistic foundation of morality, and perhaps even the possibility of accounting for consciousness in naturalistic terms, seem to be plagued by the conceptual confusion nourished by a single fallacy: the old fisherman's mistake. This is the mistake that consists in disregarding the fact that knowledge is not just learning new facts about old concepts. (...)
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    Form and Event: Principles for an Interpretation of the Greek World.Carlo Diano - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Timothy C. Campbell, Lia Turtas & Jacques Lezra.
    Diano's Form and Event has long been known in Europe as a major work not only for classical studies but even more for contemporary philosophy, anticipating the work of Deleuze, Badiou, Esposito, and Agamben. It now appears in English for the first time, with a substantial Introduction that situates the book in the genealogy of modern political philosophy.
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  27. Política : una hipótesis de interpretación.Carlo Galli - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero (eds.), Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl.Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Springer.
    This volume is a broad anthology addressing many if not most major topics in phenomenology and philosophy in general: from foundational and methodological ...
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    The Sources of Political Normativity: the Case for Instrumental and Epistemic Normativity in Political Realism.Carlo Burelli & Chiara Destri - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):397-413.
    This article argues that political realists have at least two strategies to provide distinctively political normative judgements that have nothing to do with morality. The first ground is instrumental normativity, which states that if we believe that something is a necessary means to a goal we have, we have a reason to do it. In politics, certain means are required by any ends we may intend to pursue. The second ground is epistemic normativity, stating that if something is true, this (...)
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  30. Leo Strauss, Maimonide e la scrittura reticente. Per un'imterpretazione del problema teologico-politico.Carlo Altini - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (1):125-141.
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  31. Fix, Express, Quantify: Disquotation After Its Logic.Carlo Nicolai - 2021 - Mind 130 (519):727-757.
    Truth-theoretic deflationism holds that truth is simple, and yet that it can fulfil many useful logico-linguistic roles. Deflationism focuses on axioms for truth: there is no reduction of the notion of truth to more fundamental ones such as sets or higher-order quantifiers. In this paper I argue that the fundamental properties of reasonable, primitive truth predicates are at odds with the core tenets of classical truth-theoretic deflationism that I call fix, express, and quantify. Truth may be regarded as a broadly (...)
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  32. La liberià minacciata.Carlo Caffarra - 2005 - Divus Thomas 108 (3):11-19.
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    On the role of reducibility principles.Carlo Cellucci - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):93 - 110.
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    Philosophical Clashes: Rethinking Scholarship.Carlo Ricci - 2009 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 18 (2):55-59.
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    L'action efficace: études sur la philosophie de l'action d'Aristote.Carlo Natali - 2004 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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    Etica e giustificazione: Wittgenstein e l'influenza di Moore.Carlo Penco - 2006 - In R. M. Carcaterra (ed.), Le ragioni del conoscere e dell'agire. Scritti in onore di Rosaria Egidi,.
    Nel febbraio 1912 Wittgenstein venne ammesso al Trinity College con Russell come supervisor, e iniziò a seguire le lezioni di Moore. E’ probabile che leggesse il libretto di Moore, Ethics, pubblicato al suo arrivo a Cambridge, o che ritrovasse nelle lezioni di Moore alcune delle suggestioni presenti nel libro. Ma dopo il Tractatus Wittgenstein dedicò poco spazio alle riflessioni sull’etica e quel poco in un periodo ristretto di tempo, agli inizi degli anni ‘30, dalla Conferenza sull’etica2 alle lezioni del ’32-33. (...)
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  37. Proceedings of the 4th Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy.Carlo Penco, Massimiliano Vignolo, Valeria Ottonelli & Cristina Amoretti (eds.) - 2007 - Genoa: University of Genoa.
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    Dio oltre il principio di non contraddizione.Carlo Arata - 2009 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  39. Posizione e criterio del discorso filosofico.Carlo Giacon - 1967 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    La rappresentazione fra paesaggio sonoro e spazio musicale.Carlo Serra - 2005 - Milano: CUEM.
    Il carattere passivo dell'ascolto -- Il paesaggio sonoro come matrice simbolica -- Il tema dell'immaginazione -- Poetica del paesaggio sonoro : Zefiro torna -- Evocazione della primavera : il fluire metamorfico -- Ritardo e decorso percettivo -- Il canto degli uccelli come modello naturale -- Lo schema e l'immagine.
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    (1 other version)Dream of Recapture.Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):445-450.
    As a response to the semantic and logical paradoxes, theorists often reject some principles of classical logic. However, classical logic is entangled with mathematics, and giving up mathematics is too high a price to pay, even for nonclassical theorists. The so-called recapture theorems come to the rescue. When reasoning with concepts such as truth/class membership/property instantiation, (These are examples of concepts that are taken to satisfy naive rules such as the naive truth schema and naive comprehension, and that therefore are (...)
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  42.  88
    Relative information at the foundation of physics.Carlo Rovelli - 2013
    Shannon's notion of relative information between two physical systems can function as foundation for statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, without referring to subjectivism or idealism. It can also represent a key missing element in the foundation of the naturalistic picture of the world, providing the conceptual tool for dealing with its apparent limitations. I comment on the relation between these ideas and Democritus.
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  43. Institutions, Principles and Norms: A new Interpretation of the Institutional Theory of Law.Leonardo Di Carlo - 2020 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosophie 106 (3):427-443.
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  44. Educational Technology and Value Systems.Charles De Carlo - 1967 - In Edward McIrvine (ed.), Dialogue on technology. Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
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    Valore e diritto nel pensiero di Max Scheler: dialettica dell'emozionale.Carlo Menghi - 1979 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  46. Aspetti Organizzativi di Alcune Scuole Filosofiche Ateniesi.Carlo Natali - 1983 - Hermes 111 (1):52-69.
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    Is Time’s Arrow Perspectival?Carlo Rovelli - unknown
    We observe entropy decrease towards the past. Does this imply that in the past the world was in a non-generic microstate? I point out an alternative. The subsystem to which we belong interacts with the universe via a relatively small number of quantities, which define a coarse graining. Entropy happens to depends on coarse-graining. Therefore the entropy we ascribe to the universe depends on the peculiar coupling between us and the rest of the universe. Low past entropy may be due (...)
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  48.  33
    Brentano and the Theory of Signs.Carlo Ierna - 2012 - Paradigmi 2.
    In this article the author will discuss Franz Brentano’s theory of intentionality and the ontological status of the intentional object specifically with respect to symbolic presentations. The role and function of intentionality are compared to the process of semeiosis. Several interesting parallels can be found between fundamental problems in the interpretation of the Brentanian notion of intentionality and issues in semiotics. In particular, the author focuses on the theory of Charles W. Morris and attempts to apply core notions of his (...)
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  49. On Expressive Power Over Arithmetic.Carlo Nicolai - 2018 - In John Baldwin (ed.), Truth, Existence and Explanation. Springer Verlag.
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    L'ebreo non ebreo: Israele incirconciso : corrispondenza con Dante Lattes, Ariel Toaff ed altri e alcuni saggi.Carlo Giuseppe Lapusata, Dante A. Lattes & Ariel Toaff - 1996 - Pisa: TEP.
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